The End is in Sight…

I seriously cannot believe that there is only 1 month and 3 days remaining until the Rock & Roll Half. These past few months have been ridiculously insane, full of training, not getting enough sleep, figuring out how to handle severe shin splints (compression sleeves and ice, in case you’re wondering), and pushing myself further than I believed I could go.

When I initially began this journey, I was intimidated by the 5 mile runs in my training plan, not to mention the big kahuna of double digit runs (by this I mean the 13.1, obviously). But 3 miles became 4, which turned into 6, 8, and 10. I haven’t run more than 10 yet, but in these last few weeks of training, I will. I am so shocked at what I made myself do, and am so proud of myself for not giving up, even when it hurt, even when I really wanted to just come home from work and lay in my bed, even when cross-training seemed like a ridiculously unnecessary burden, I never stopped. I took a few days off here and there when it all got to be too much, but I didn’t quit. I’m still going, and I’m entering the home stretch.

The best part of this is that I can actually see my goal now. I can see myself crossing the finish line, getting my medal, and being able to cross one giant step off of my bucket list. It definitely has not been an easy journey, but then again, the most rewarding trips are often the most challenging. You shouldn’t be afraid to do something just because it’s going to be challenging. In fact, you should push yourself through those tough times and realize that you will come out stronger on the other side for doing so.

I am not going to finish first in my half marathon. But I will finish. I will run 13.1 miles to the best of my current ability. I will hug my boyfriend, my dad, and my friend Brooke at the finish line and I will know that I have achieved my own greatness.

That’s all I need.

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