I’m a blogging slacker

…but I am NOT a training slacker. 

First off, let me give you the stats from my training recently:

4/24 – 4/27, off because of terrible “lady pains”.
4/28 – 2.04 miles, easy pace, 20:10
4/29 – Vinyasa flow yoga
4/30 – Off
5/1 – 2.04 miles, tempo pace with hills, 21:53
5/2 – Strength, 5×5 squats, deadlifts, bent over rows, push press, push ups, assisted pull-ups
5/3 – 3.2 miles, easy pace on a torn up trail, 34:01
5/4 – Off
5/5 – 2.04 miles, easy pace, 21:17
5/6 – Off
5/7 – 2.10 miles, fartlek, 18:44 (PR FOR 2 MILES!)
5/8 – Body weight strength training.
5/9 – AM vinyasa yoga.
5/10 – 3.07 miles, easy, 27:51 (PR!)
5/11 – Off
5/12 – Fitnessblender video. 
5/13 – 3.31 miles, easy, 32:02
5/14 – 3.12 miles, easy, 30:56.
5/15 – Quick strength, 5×5 squats, leg press, deadlift, calf raises.

Wow. I’ve been gone for a while, but as you can see, I’ve been busy! Which is great, since my training is going pretty well. I’ve been working on my breath work on runs, along with not burning myself out on the first mile when I still have a couple to go. Also, my overall health is getting better since I rededicated myself to training. I had a re-evaluation with a nurse at my gym (which all members get every 10-12 weeks), and found that since September I have lost 20 pounds (!), and since December alone I have dropped 5.6% body fat (!). The numbers totally blew my mind, but I am so proud of myself for making it so far in not such a long amount of time. In order to stay that way, I haven’t missed a scheduled workout since the month of May began, and I’ve refocused my eating to maximize my workouts. I feel unstoppable lately.

In other news, my Daddy Dearest has decided to sign up for the half with me! My dad was part of my inspiration to begin running. If my old man dad could drop a ton of weight, change his eating habits, and take up running at around age 50, then nothing should stop be from doing the same in my early 20s. Running this half together is going to be a first for both of us, and I’m now glad that I’ll have someone to bask in the glory with. Now, must work on my strides so I can keep up with his 6 foot tall self. (I’m 5’3”, btw). 

I’m so glad to be back with you all. See you soon!

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